If you are interested in working with the eshop or have any other questions, please email Mary Heintz with the details of your prospective project.
Please note that the Eshop cannot support commercial work – all software, designs and products are prohibited from being used in any commercial application.
Past and Ongoing Projects
- AGIS (Advanced Gamma Ray Imaging System) – Simon Swordy, Scott Wakely
- ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus) – Kelby Anderson, Young-Kee Kim, David Miller, Mark Oreglia, Jim Pilcher, Mel Shochet
- ANNIE (Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment) – Matt Wetstein, Henry Frisch
- CAPMAP (Cosmic Anisotropy Polarization Mapper) – Bruce Winstein
- CDF (Collider Detector at Fermilab) – Henry Frisch, Carla Pilcher
- 500MHz Flash-ADC
- CrateSum
- DIRAC Replacer Aux
- Ghost Buster
- HitFinder
- L2CAL (B2597)
- Level1 Aux
- Level1 MM
- Level2 Fanout
- Level_2 HotLink Rx Card
- Level_2 HotLink Tx Card
- Level_2 TAXI Tx Card
- Level_2 TAXI Rx Card
- LVDS/TTL Converter
- PreFRED Aux
- Pulsar
- Pulsar_Aux_Card
- Pulsar_SRAM Mezzanine Card (M4M)
- Pulsar_SRAM Mezzanine M512K Card (B2558)
- SVT Cable Tester
- TDC Board
- Track Fitter
- VME Adapter
- ChiWIS (Chicago Water Isotope Spectrometer) – Elisabeth Moyer
- CREST – Scott Wakely
- CTA – Scott Wakely
- DAMIC – Paolo Privitera
- 1.5m Extension Flexible PCB
- 4-CCD Pitch Adapter Flexible PCB
- Cryostat Breakout Board
- 1Kx6K/6Kx1K CCD Pitch Adapter Flexible PCB
- ODILE Breakout Daughter Board
- 6Kx1K CCD, 6Kx1.5K CCD – Flexible PCBs
- 6Kx4K CCD Flex Extension Cable
- 6Kx4K CCD Intermediate Board
- 6Kx4K CCD Flexible PCB – U
- 6Kx4K CCD Flexible PCB – L
- 1Kx6K CCD Flexible PCB
- DAMIC – ODILE Module
- 1Kx6K CCD Flexible PCB
- 4Kx1K CCD Flexible PCB
- Programming LBNL Bias Board
- E14 at JPARC – Yau Wah
- 16-Channel, 14-bit 500MHz ADC Board
- KOTO Feedthrough Board
- OFC-2 Module
- NIM/LVDS Translator Board
- KOTO OFC Module
- KOTO CDT Module
- PMT PreAmp and Distribution System
- 500MHz, 16-Channel ADC Board
- Instructions for Setting Up VME7648 Controller
- Video Inverter Board
- Serializer Card for use with 14-BIT ADC Module
- 14-BIT ADC
- ADC Master Board
- 4-Channel, 12-Bit 500MHz ADC Board
- Feed Through
- Single to Differential Converter
- 8-Channel Differential Amplifier 10x
- 100 to 50 Converter
- Jitter Cleaner
- Differential Splitter
- Geosciences
- HELIX – Scott Wakely
- MIDAS – Paolo Privatera
- Muon Detector – Henry Frisch, Sergei Nagaitsev
- Based on the MIT CosmicWatch Project
- Github Repo
- Molecular Engineering – Sampriti Mukherjee
- Picosecond-Timing Resolution – Henry Frisch
- Project Blog for Electronics
- Hawaii Collaborators Page
- 30 Channel PSEC-4 Analog Card
- 15 GS/s Sampling Chip
- PSEC2 Flip Chip ADC Module
- PSEC3 Digitizer
- PSEC3 Tray Hardware
- PSEC3 QFP Mezzanine Card
- PSEC3 Flip Chip Mezzanine Card
- PSEC4 QFP Mezzanine Card
- PSEC4 Digital Card
- PSEC_DAQ_Central_Card
- PSEC4 USB Fixer
- PSEC4 Evaluation Cards – V2 (November 2015)
- QUIET (Q/U Imaging Experiment) – Bruce Winstein
- Veritas (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System) – Simon Swordy, Scott Wakely
- WiDAQ – Sergei Nagaitsev
- Picosecond-Timing Resolution – Henry Frisch